If you've met Brittany, either personally or through Instagram, you know she lives a busy lifestyle as the Founder and CEO of Beautini, the ultimate beauty experience for wedding hair & makeup in NYC. She is always working, exercising, attending networking events, and still manages to find time to travel and spend time with family and friends. There's not much Brittany doesn't do. We were fortunate enough to be able to chat with her to learn more about how she made her dreams come true and her night-time routine when it comes time to put down the screen and get some rest. We hope you enjoy her story, and make sure to follow along on her journey as launches her second business: Beia.
You are an entrepreneur - was this what you always dreamed of doing?
Since I was a little girl I was always a big dreamer. Part of me thinks it was all the trips to Disney World growing up! In the second grade I wrote in my journal that one day I would have a beauty company and from that moment on, that has always been my dream!

What made you decide to go for it and launch your business?
It was the summer before my senior year when I was offered a full time job at a beauty conglomerate for when I graduated that following May. I initially accepted the offer but quickly realized that my life long dream was to build a beauty company and not work for one, so I spent my senior year at Babson College speaking to as many faculty members and alumni to figure out how to be an entrepreneur. I promised myself if I could launch and raise investment before I had to start that corporate job then I would pursue Beautini full-time and thankfully I was able to do so.
What’s your favorite part about being an entrepreneur?
Creating the life you want to live! I am able to be home for family birthdays and holidays and create a life that is just as rewarding as it is busy.

Brittany holding the packaging for her new brand, Beia
What advice would you give to someone who wants to follow their dreams but doesn’t know where to start?
I would sit down with a pen, colored markers and paper and just write down your passions, any crazy ideas you have in your mind, and any room for improvement or opportunities as you think through your daily routine. You don’t need to recreate the wheel but do you do have to be very passionate about what you are going to build!
Now let's talk about sleep! How many hours of sleep do you get (or try to) on a daily basis?
My ideal night of sleep is 8 hours! I usually try to get at least 7 hours in because when I don’t then I feel sluggish the next day and a lot less productive.

What’s on your nightstand?
Currently I have a pile of bobby pins, control for my fan, Half Asleep's Scrap Scrunchies (because they don’t pull out your hair!) and Beia’s new facial mist that is so relaxing to mist on!
Walk us through your bedtime routine.
Before I go to sleep I always usually need a period to decompress. As soon as I get home from my evening activity or networking event I will generally shower, moisturize all over and throw on my Cami Ruffle Pant Set (who wouldn’t want to wear Half Asleep every night?!). Then I will watch a little TV, or do house errands before I do my proper night-time skincare routine and go to bed!

What’s your go-to midnight snack?
Definitely pizza, hands down!
What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
When I wake up I am either running to a workout class or making myself an oat milk latte with my Nespresso!
Let’s talk about our favorite meal of the day: Breakfast!
My favorite kind of breakfast includes salty and sweet. Egg omelet or benedict to start and then finishing the meal off with chocolate chip pancakes or french toast!
Where can people learn more about you and your businesses?
You can follow me right at @brittany.lo and my businesses at @beiabeauty and @beautini