
Sleep Awareness Week 2022 Recap

As Sleep Awareness Week comes to an end, we wanted to recap the information we shared with you on social and email into one infographic. Print it, save it, or screen shot it. Let it be your friendly reminder to prioritize sleep.

Sleep Awareness Week Recap by Half Asleep Sleepwear - Infographic on Sleep

Thank you for following along this Sleep Awareness week! We hope you learned something you didn't know before.

We'll admit it - some of these habits and routines sound simple, but, in today's world, they are hard to follow. We don't always avoid screen time before bed. We're either up scrolling on social, watching Netflix, or working in bed (a terrible thing to do) until our eyes literally start to close. It doesn't feel great.

On days when we do follow our dream bedtime routine, we go to sleep feeling better. And while we can't always have those days, the point is to try. To replace one bad habit with a good one - then another, and then another.


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